As we enter 2020, Consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of brands: Luxury, earthy or otherwise; with scrutiny of packaging being high on the agenda. First impressions count has never been truer.
They’re balancing their own values with sustainability, asking questions like: Will this product, service or luxury be available to generations to come? What is the long-term prognosis? Can this packaging be recycled or reused rather than wasted on rubbish heaps that we’re seeing in the news; or worst still, the scam of joining rubbish dumped off-shore.
Undoubtedly packaging still has it’s place: for Protection in delivery (delivering without damage), Presentation of the brand (for enhanced value, gaining an emotional connection and communicating with the consumer) and Security (so it reaches the consumer without being tampered with).
Balancing the protective packaging side of delivering products with over-protection and increased waste is an all-time belly ache for Packaging designers. Too much protection is seen as over-gilding and wastefully filling up our bins.
Presentation of the brand is all about making the core-values of the company align to the delivery of the product. Earthy products can’t come in plastic.
Security is going to depend very much on what, the weight, and how you’re delivering.
Environmental Product packaging created in Kraft e-flute corrugated and screen printed in dark brown, with the product packed in wood wool.
Whilst the large part of what we do is produced on paper that is FSC approved, we realise that for companies who promote sustainability and recycling as part of a strong core ethical belief, it is increasingly important for this to be crystal clear in all communication, not least in delivery to the consumer.
In brief, it is possible to produce Sustainable Presentation Packaging solutions for companies who promote and believe in a sustainable earth.
Are you looking to be more aligned for 2020? Reach out and Contact us