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ISO 14001 for the 1st time

We’ve gained approval for ISO 14001 because we believe that being Environmentally Friendly is important and does mean something to our clients.

In real terms it means we look after you really well, and if we fail in this, we make a proper investigation into it. We also have special lorries that come and collect waste paper and cardboard and recycle it (they hold certificates to do this).

The grueling process of gaining ISO 14001:2004, to give it it’s correct title, involves reducing waste and operational costs, reducing the risk of environmental breaches, reducing the impact of our carbon footprint. In turn, it reduces the risk of prosecution and the bad PR associated with it.

We are satisfied that it provides us with the credentials to react to market demand and opens global opportunities with a recognised mark of environmental responsibility and efficiency, giving clients absolute confidence that BoxcoUK will add value and support their own environmental policies.


We didn’t just achieve this on our own – we have a great company backing us – IMSM Quality Auditors keep regular control over our environmental management system.  To contact them directly ring 01666 826065, based in Wiltshire.

To discuss it further with a member of the team, Ring Tel 020 3011 0211 | Email business@boxcouk.com